
Here's how we'll be keeping up with the latest from now on:







Yesterday ended the hiatus in a big way. We were honored to perform at Jim Pennington's Listening Room of Mobile, a truly great artist-friendly venue. It was part of the 4th anniversary celebration for the room, and we were honored to see long-time friends again and to make several new ones (that MULT-PASS T-shirt never fails to help me make a few new acquaintances. Much of the performance was recorded, and a pre-show interview was taped with the band.

We're excited to plan on returning regularly to the Listening Room. It is a place that will allow us to persue some of the things we've been working on that are a little outside of the normal live-show template. Thanks again Jim, for the wonderfully freeing environment.

And special thanks to our new friend JB Lawrence, we're very excited to see his work and hope to plan more projects with him soon.

We hope to see you out there somewhere
